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[摘要] 以下为2019年3月朗阁新托福写作考题预测,希望能对大家的托福考试有所帮助!

  Integrated Writing:



  1. 东部居民的主要食物来源是野牛,因为人口增多,所以野牛的数量减少;

  2. 战争时期,野牛、 牛群和马群都是食草动物,牛群和马群吃的太多,破坏了草地,所以野牛没有草吃,导致数量减少;

  3. 新型的枪支可以连续发射,使野牛的捕杀率进步,所以野牛数量减少;


  1. 西部野牛的数量比东部的先减少,所以不是西迁的原因;

  2. 野牛比其它的动物更耐寒,所以在极端气候下,其它的动物会死掉,不会影响草地的减少,所以野牛的数量不会减少;

  3. 尽管这种枪很厉害,但是和捕杀没有关系,因为有技能的捕杀者一次开枪的命中率就很高,不需要多次开枪。

  2)关于vampire squid会不会吃marine snow。


  1. marine snow在海底,氧气少,vampire squid没法存活;

  2. 捕食的时候容易被predator发现;

  3. vampire squid属于头足类动物,这个种类的其他生物不吃marine snow, 所以它也不可能吃;


  1. chase prey才需要氧气,vampire squid不需要捕食;

  2. 深海中vampire squid大部分都是深色的,不容易被发现,而且被发现后,它会突然变亮吓跑predator;

  3. 之所以vampire squid和其他头足类动物有不一样的捕杀习惯,是因为这样的饮食可以它们有足够的食物。它们在海底深处氧气稀薄的地方捕食,这样就可以避免和其他同类生物竞争食物,因为那些动物无法在海底深处存活。

  Independent Writing:


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Physical exercise is more important to old people than to young people.


  For the government, building more parks, gardens and stadiums aims to improve the healthcare of the overall physical condition of general population, while for the individuals, spending on sports in the pursuit of good health has been trendy. Some people mention that it is more important for old people to engage in physical exercise, compared with young people. Based on some concerns, it is young people who should take an active part in physical activities.

  To start with, health of young people is far from satisfactory, which is of great importance for them to do like that. It is frequently reported that the old used to be vulnerable to obesity, heart disease, hypertension and cancer, but now these ailments pose big threat to the health of children and young adults. The primary reason attributes to their long term sedentary life over-indulging on online game and cell-phone. Definitely, young people, compared with old people not accustomed to digital aspects, should engage in more sports for fun, like table tennis, volleyball, rock climbing… Needless to say, youngsters’ outlook on health may be fantastic.

  Also, given their mounting pressure, young people do have more physical exercise. As for the senior group, honestly, their daily routine is flexible: either going to the market to buy food ingredient or taking short term temporary job. Devoting less time to completing these tasks, old people have sufficient time in a day watering the flowers, playing cards or walking in the park. In other words, what they have done on a daily basis involves physical exercise. Vice versa, what young adults, other than one’s own academic performance, should do is that they have to spare more time participating extra training, such as verbal skill on interview, writing and innovation to excel in the competitive job market. In this case, in an attempt to relieve pressure from work and study, young people are required to become sports participants in wrestling, see-saw jumping, boxing, horsemanship…

  To conclude much daily trivial mattes, like looking after grandchildren, gardening, dancing…, have already made it possible for old people to do physical activities, while young people own unhealthy life as well as their pressure posed by objective situation have made it indispensible to take part in physical training , or they will not perform well in their work and study.



  In order to adapt to the life in university and succeed, if you are a freshman, which method do you think is better:

  1. Attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will begin before you have the classes.

  2. Meeting regularly at your first year with a student in your major field who has entered the university for several years.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  It is always joyful and delightful for high school graduates to get enrolled in their ideal university after fierce college entrance competition. However, it is not uncommon for these freshmen to encounter some difficulties when they really want to settle down in the school. Therefore, when it comes to the way that can better help students adapt to their university life, two choices have surfaced----attending an orientation program before classes or having regular meetings with senior students who are in the same major within the first year. Though some people may prefer the introduction program, I strongly insist on the latter choice.

  First and foremost, communicating with senior students regularly enables freshmen to acclimatize themselves to campus life more easily. Actually, the major reason why students have difficulties in fitting in university life in their first year is that the school is totally unfamiliar to them. In other words, they will be confused about many things in the school, including how to use the dining card in the canteen, which path can help them get to the library within a short time and so forth. Fortunately, students who have already lived in the school for a long time are able to offer freshmen help with regard to these issues. Hence, with these problems tackled, freshmen are more likely to get integrated into their university life at the very beginning. On the other hand, the orientation program may only provide relatively official introduction about the campus life, which is neither detailed nor practical enough to freshmen.

  Furthermore, freshmen’s academic performance in university can be enhanced if they have regular meetings with senior students who major in the same field with them. In fact, it is common that university courses are more complex than those in high schools and probing into a specific major deeply is stressful as well. Usually, many senior students are aware of the difficulties in their major and may have already figured out the methods that can help them better understand and digest knowledge. Thus, their experience in the aspect of the major learning can play a crucial role in helping freshmen keep pace with the study progress as beginners. On the contrary, the introduction program in the first week usually offers little information concerning students’ major knowledge because instead of aiming at specific major students, it is designed for all the freshmen in that year.

  Admittedly, orientation program is not without its advantages. For instance, freshmen can develop their interpersonal relationship with their peers through attending the program together and will know what the campus is like before starting their study in school. Nonetheless, a week is far from enough for freshmen to interact with others as intimate friends and to have a deep knowledge of campus life because they are even unaware of their problems and difficulties that they may confront. Instead, regular communication with senior students within a year enables freshmen to solve their problems that gradually appear as they advance their study and life in school.

  To conclude, I am convinced that meeting senior students in the same major regularly in students’ first year in university can bring more benefits to freshmen in respect of their adaptation to campus life and to major study as well.


  Which of the followings do you think is the most important thing in helping students to study in colleges and universities?

  1. inviting tutors to provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study;

  2. having the help and encouragement from the family and friends;

  3. having excellent teachers in high school who can help the students before the university.


  Nowadays, more and more students attend the university to pursue their dreams, and how to qualify the academic life becomes rather crucial. The best way to help student succeed in their learning, I believe, is to receive encouragement from family members or friends with previous university experience.

  In the first place, communication with friends and family can provide incessant motivation to the young students, especially those freshmen. After entering university or college, they are desperate to break the chains connecting them to school. They gradually develop difficulty to identify their orientation at very beginning of university education. As a result, problems emerge. But if some valuable advice or encouragement were offered, students would have behaved better and thus prevented themselves from indulging in entertainment in various kinds. Personal experience of higher education would only make the advice more convincing and much easier to be adopted by the students.

  Besides, help from friends and family is more welcomed by students than that from tutors and teachers. young people are emotionally attached to friends and family members, which makes the opinions from them accepted more easily. It is another story with the tutors who can provide individual instruction or excellent teachers who prepare students better for university. Teachers are considered as authoritative superiors to students in the sense that they think from the perspective of an educator rather than a learner. Therefore, many students would reluctantly take the methods or advice proposed by them.

  Though tutors providing individualized help can solve some problems of certain students, there still are many students who refuse this method either because of hidden costs or possible embarrassment. In addition, high-quality of secondary education is not realistic. As we know, load of study has already been heavy. If school education needs to be improved, students would, undoubtedly, be required to finish more papers and work for longer time. It would end up with students’ mounting difficulty in current stage of education and of course affect the later stage.

  All in all, family’s and friends’ advice and encouragement is more tempting since it can remove the difficulty and is easily taken by young students.

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90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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