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[摘要] 2019年1月新托福口语考题预测。新托福考试在一月份很快就要考试了,那么,考生就得要对于考试要有一个预测,这样才能更好的融入到考试之中去,这不,下面,小编就来给大伙说说2019年1月新托福口语考题预测。


2019 src="https://www.longre.com/upload/image/20181221/6368099387345452093461268.jpg" title="2019年1月新托福口语考题预测" alt="2019年1月新托福口语考题预测" width="370" height="240" border="0" vspace="0" _src="/upload/image/20181221/6368099387345452093461268.jpg" style="width: 370px; height: 240px;">




Question 1

Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he or she has to give to the class. What advice would you give to help him or her to prepare for the


Question 2

Some people prefer to do shopping in large department stores. Others prefer to do shopping in small specialty stores. Which do you prefer and

why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part



The school plans to reduce the use of energy in the school buildings.

1. replace the windows in the old teaching buildings;

2. shut down the teaching buildings after class;

The man agrees.

1. 学校的 building 很 old,窗子不严实,会有风漏进来,导致学校的供暖系统流失了很多heat

2. 晚上关闭 building 会节约很多 energy9

点以后就很少有学生在那里自习了,就算关了教学楼,少部分人也可以找到 somewhere

else 去自习,比如到library 或 student


Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part



Optimal foraging theory:


说一种 crow乌鸦以 shellfish 为食,它的

方法是:把 shellfish 从水中抓出后,飞到空

何能够 use minimum energy expend & get maximum nutrition in food

中,再把这个 shellfish 扔到 rock 上,让它的

hard shell 碎掉。因为要optimal foraging, 所以首先 crow 会选大个的 shellfish,然后会

飞到一个 specific height5 米高,不能太


很多次浪费 energy,而飞太高也同样会浪费


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


男生明天就要放假了,原计划要参加家庭聚会 family union,但他的生物报告laboratory report 没写好,拿了个低 grade,教授要他 rewrite


1. 抓紧时间在一周内完成,但是会错过家庭聚会;

2. 带回家写,next semester 再交,但这样无法利用图书馆的资源。

Question: 男生遇到什么困难,在两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?




Question 1

Which of the following would you prefer to do during your weekend

A. Doing exercise

B. Visiting friends

C. Cooking

Question 2

Some people prefer to live in old buildings, while others prefer to live in new

and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The writer of the letter hopes the school can hold classes outside for 2 reasons:

1. Good scenery makes students focus and not get bored.

2. School has installed some benches and seats outside

the classroom.


The man disagrees with the proposal.

1. There would be too many distractions. Friends may pass by and say hello to them.

2. There would not be enough seats and some students would have to stand. It would not be convenient for students to take notes.

Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part


Population cycle in ecology system


Wolves are the predators and the mice are the prey.

Step 1: When there are a lot of mice, wolves have enough food, the number of mice decreases and the number of wolves increases.

Step 2: When the number of mice decreases, the wolves lack food and then the number of wolves decreases. Then the number of mice increases.

Step 3: Equivalent to step 1.

Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


The man left his keys in the dorm and he forgot to take his paper with him, which should be handed in today. He’s roommate was in another city now.


1. He could tell the professor the situation, but his last paper was also late last time.

2. Ask the administrator of the dormitory to open the door, but it will cost him

15 dollars.

Question: 女生遇到什么困难,有两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?

Question 6


The professor talks about two types of plants transplantation.

The first way is to stick to the fur of animals. 例如一种植物身上有钩子,可以依附在动物身上。

And the second type is to float on the water. 例如 coconut 可以漂在水上 to

be miles away from the original place.




Question 1

Talk about a good period of your life. Why do you like this period?

Question 2

Talk about one great aspect of the educational system of your country.

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


是说学校决定把每个班级的人数从 人增加到 15 人。原因是有更多的学生

apply 这些课程,但是学校的 faculty 有限。


1. 增加人数减少了 communication with faculty , 降低了小课堂的参与程度

2. 既然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的 faculty 解决了人力不足的问题。简言之就是 more

students, more money, more faculty

Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part





Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:The woman is working as a teaching assistant for a professor and she’s supposed to grade like 40 exam sheets which is due the next day. But she forgot that she’s got other work to do tonight.

【解决方案】:There are two possible solutions.

The first solution is to talk to her professor to reschedule the job.

The second solution is to stay up late for both tasks.

Question 6


Soil 中也有生存的 mammal .

1. They must be able to move, for the soil is not like the water, it's thick and condense.

2. They must be able to protect themselves from things like the particles in soil.

接着教授举了 个 examples.

1. mow: has strong feet, like the shovel, that can dig deeply

2. 某种生物has tiny eyesalso have hair that cover their eye from particle infection


托福口语的考试时间限制为20分钟,共6个问题,其中Task 1-2为独立口语任务,Task 3-6为综合口语任务。


Task 1题目形式:考生会在屏幕上看到及听力中听到相关的一道独立描述或观点类话题陈述,要求考生在规定时间内进行相应作答。准备时间15秒,作答时间45秒。该题要求考生根据题目做出相应回答并阐述理由,多为三选一、二选一、观点类、建议类、描述类或利弊类。

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  • 价格: 1980.00

90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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