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[摘要] 托福作文考试可借鉴的模板

…A, B, C, D… Which do you choose?

(1) It appears, in so many aspects, very difficult to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish.

Yet that does not mean they are of the same to me. To be frank, I would prefer A if personal quality is considered as a criterion to choose things.

Then why do I prefer A? I like it because it can _______________, thus makes me ______________.

There is another reason why I choose A, in terms of ________, __________. No wonder, it again brings me convenience that I cannot get if I choose any one of the others.

That last reason is that_____________________.

In conclusion, everybody wants to choose the one that fits him/her. So it is of great benefits for me to choose.

(2) How to do XXX/Whether the traditional methods such as A, B and so on or the modern method for example C and D has its advantages and disadvantages. Which you would prefer depends on your own experience, life style and emotional concern. However, I would prefer C. There are three advantages of C as follow:

This can trace back to my childhood. Once with curiosity, I__________________.

Yet another reason is that_________. I can quote a common example. _______________.

Then why I do not like others? For example, why I do not like A? Because I have a bad experience with it. _______________. So, even when anyone mentioned it, I would catch a feeling of fear.

There are still many other reasons that can account for my fondness for it, but the obvious ones have been presented as above.

之上这篇写作模板仅供参考,自己并不赞同彻底记诵*作文模板,仅仅大伙儿能够效仿一下在其中措辞用句,由于判卷的人也了解有模板这个东西,我建议应当从思维上更改去写作文,便是用美式思维法写作文。即典型性“总---分---总”的写作思维。在新托福写作中,用这类思维较非常容易得到 *数。

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90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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