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[摘要] 正在备考雅思的小伙伴,不知道你们有没有因为自己的口语迟迟不能进步感觉烦恼呢?很多考生也会好奇,雅思口语的分数应该如何进步?那么,今天笔者就为大家解析,雅思口语8分是什么水平,又应该怎么进步呢?



  Part 2

  If you can work in another country, where do you want to go?

  If given a chance, I would like to work in Canada. Edmonton, to be specific. First of all, I have stayed there for two years. I studied there to pursue my master degree. I also worked there as a Chinese teacher and I taught Chinese to undergraduate students. Absolute love this job. Secondly, the weather is

  pretty nice.You know Edmonton is very cold in the winter and it snows heavily. I am a big fan of skiing.So If I can live there, I can enjoy the weather. Last, Edmonton has the largest shopping mall in North America.And I am a shopaholic. So if going there, I can go shopping everyday.

  大致记住这一点。说到第三点,是时候穷了。在回答 part 2 的时候,还是有很多简单的句子,词汇也很生活,很普通,所以没有语法错误。故意用 if given a chance, 其他是*反应。应该是三个部分中较常见的部分。

  Part 3

  a. Why do many people want to work in an international company?

  An international company usually means it 's huge and successful. So it' s a better platform where you can meet different people and have better career opportunities.

  b. What are the necessary skills if you want to work in an international company?

  I think your language skill definitely matters because you need to communicate with people from all over the world. So learning English is important. Secondly, communication skill is important too, because you need to talk to people from different cultural background.

  c. Are there any different requirements for skills if you work in a domestic company?

  I think communication skill is still important, but not for your second language skill...

  d. Are there any cultural differences?

  Yes. Definitely. An international company is usually more open-minded, and a domestic company usually tends to ask you to follow the rules and do what the boss says.

  e. So do you think we should understand the local culture?

  That 's definitely important. You should do some research before entering the market. For example, in China we don 't like the number four because it sounds similar to 'death'。So if I am a food company, I would try to avoid the use of number 4.

  f. So do you think we should have a culture consultant?

  It would be great to have a culture consultant so we can understand the target culture better. Or you can simply hire some local stuff and ask them about it. It would be cheaper too.

  第三部分清楚地记得,语法结构中使用了许多从句和少量虚调,单词并不难。我觉得我做的更好的事情就是准确,不要犯太多的语法错误,第三人称单数动词进行时基本没问题; 基本上有更准确地表达意思的词。所以我不认为语言是困难的,但是它们必须是恰当的。

  较后,我想强调的是,真诚是非常重要的。模板套路 5 到 6 可以帮你,6 到 7 却帮不了你,真实有趣的个性其实是考试中较大的加分项。很多学生在备考的时候过于强调难词和复杂的结构,却忽略了真实的自己。当*听你的回答时,他认为你 talk like a book, 没有根据,反过来又怀疑你的答案的真实性,所以根本没有必要这样做。展现真实的你,无论是幽默的懒人笨宅,都是较真实的可爱。


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90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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