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[摘要] 托福写作满分范文点评:衡量工作价值的方式,在托福写作考试中,考生经常会遇到无从下笔的情况,那么考生在备考的时候就可以多看看一些满分范文来进步自己,积累素材,那么接下来就来看看本文的满分范文点评吧。




  Is money the most important aspect of a job?

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  这道题目问的是大家对于职业选择的看法。因为题目中使用了most important这样的*词,所以一般来说都是选择反对这个观点会比较容易展开论述。实际上除了看工资以外,关于一项工作的价值还可以从其职业发展,对个人能力进步的帮助等方面来展开,这些都是大家比较容易想到也相对好展开的论点。


  I understand that nowadays it is very important for people to earn a lot of money. As a matter of fact, many people equate money with success: the more money you earn, the more successful you are. However, the financial aspect is not the most important aspect of a job. The work environment and camaraderie with one's coworkers, the personal fulfillment from one's occupation, and the opportunity to balance professional and personal lives are much more important. People who spend forty hours a week or more at their place of employment should enjoy their work environment, especially the company of their co-workers. After all, the prospect of having to spend any amount of time in a room or a building with people who one does not respect, who are unpleasant, or, even worse, hostile, will have a very negative effect on one's disposition and mental health. A few more dollars in the bank account cannot compensate for this. Similarly, one should derive a special fulfillment or pleasure from doing one's job. Normally, a person will spend at least a third of his/her adult life at work (eight hours or more every day). One should not waste this time by doing work that is boring or tedious even if it is well paid. The money earned will only enrich the life away from work but not enhance the work experience. Finally, the personal life can only be enjoyed adequately if there is enough time away from the professional life. Affluence affords many nice things, such as houses or cars or television sets, but a person who has to work night and day will not be able to derive any pleasure from them. Also, a father or a mother who makes a lot of money might be able to provide his or her family with a comfortable life, but how much good does that do if he or she never sees them? Time spent with family, especially children, is invaluable, and thus a job with long hours might cost a person more than it affords.

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