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[摘要] 8.10独立写作范文:教育类。新一轮的托福考试就这样结束了,大家还是比较关注自己作文是否跑题这个问题,今天小编给大家带来了独立写作范文,有兴趣的童鞋快来看看吧!


8.1 src="/data/file/upload/15657489560354.PNG" style="width: 500px;">

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should offer students a public speaking course and require all students to take this course to graduate. Give specific examples and details to support your answer.




  It is my conviction that a public speaking course ought to be set as a must-have one for all university students before they graduate.

  At first glance, requiring every student facing his/her graduation to attend this course will increase their burden. It does not take a leap of the imagination to see how busy students who will graduate soon are. They have a lot to cope with, ranging from their academic tasks, like writing papers, to their preparation for a job, such as working as an intern. In this case, an additional course perhaps will be the last straw, considering that taking this course may be time-consuming and distracting for students at this turning point. In other words, they have to devote extra time and energy to learning public speaking, which explains why some may blame this course for students’ excessive pressure.

  A closer look, however, suggests that attending the public speaking course effectively paves the way for students’ future career. Today, it is not uncommon that in the work place, many people’s career is be deviled by lacking skills of effectively expressing themselves, which adversely affects their work performance and dents their confidence. Worse still, for the same reason, some may even have difficulty in seeking employment. It justifies why the public speaking course is a boon to students, and why it is never premature to arm college students for job interviews or securing a place in the intense competition. Apparently, in the public speaking course, students can master tactics of making their voice heard; meanwhile, timid ones have opportunities to challenge themselves by speaking in public, which may encourage them to break through their reserve. To illustrate, I used to be a coward when it comes to giving my opinion, let alone a public speech. However, this is no longer the case since I attended a public speaking course in my college life, which did quell my fear of expressing myself in front of many people, thus making me self-assured and further enabling me to perform outstandingly in the job interview. Moreover, what we have learned in this course will continue to work when we expect to climb up to the top of our profession. This is because someone adept at delivering a speech publicly may attract more attention and gain more opportunities. Therefore, if the university makes the public speaking course compulsory, it will contribute to students’ competitive edge in the cut-throat competition.

  Conclusively, the importance of public speaking cannot be overstated, and requiring all to take the public speaking course before their graduation from college is advisable.


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90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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