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[摘要] 托福口语考试加分亮点。在托福口语中,该怎么才能一开口就能抓到*的心呢?感兴趣的小伙伴快来看一看吧。



  娱乐-体育: Basket-ball / Kobe Bryant / LA LakersMy favorite sport is without a shadow of a doubt basketball.
  And, funny story, I met a NBA basketball player for the first time in my life at an airport when I wasn’t that familiar with NBA.
  I looked at him and didn’t know who he was.
  Now I think about it, it was Kobe Bryant.
  Wow! I had no idea! What a waste of opportunity! .
  I mean, I could’ve asked for an autograph.
  But i didn’t. Ooooh, I hate myself.
  I’m a huge fan of the L.A. Lakers.
  There’re too many reasons for this.
  To start with, it’s dynasty in the forming.
  Some people say that Shaquille O’neal and Kobe Bryant,THAT was a dynasty!
  But I’m not a big fan of Shaq; I love Kobe.
  Being a guard, he’s all around.
  He scored 81 points back in 2006 in a game against the Toronto Raptors.
  In 2007, around the same time of the year, he scored more than 50 for four consecutive games.
  And this year, he’s taking the Lakers all the way to the Final after beating San Antonio Spurs in the Western Conference Final.
  And before that they beat Utah Jazz.
  We often say that there’s no easy game in the West.
  And Kobe and his team came all the way.
  That could only mean one thing--They’re unbelievably good.
  I play basketball whenever I can.
  And I even imitate some of Kobe’s moves.
  I’m not that tall, but still, I can jump shoot, do the lay-up, and if the hoop is low enough, do a slam dunk.
  Being a guard is like being a captain of a team.
  You initiate every attack, you decide the offense strategy.
  And when you give out assists, you’re helping other teammates;when you’re hitting three-pointers, you’re encouraging the whole team.
  When you do a lay-up in a fast break, you’re pissing off your opponents.
  The more you play basketball, the more you find there’s more to basketball than just a physical game.
  It has a mental state to it.
  How to be selfless, how to contribute to the team instead of just thinking for yourself, how to work with others--these are also questions we have to face in real life.
  The NBA has a catch-phrase, i love this game. It’s more than i can say about it.
  And this year, i found it was changed.
  Now the motto is “Where Amazing Happens!”
  David Stern is absolutely a genius.
  Basketball provides me more than exercise, but more importantly, inspiration and encouragement in life.
  I love it.


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  • 价格: 1980.00

90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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