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雅思口语话题精读:a trip that you plan to go

[摘要] 关于旅游,可以说是雅思考试中出现频率比较高的话题了,在口语板块也是如此,那么如何在这一话题之下展开口语,接下来就跟小编一起来看看雅思口语话题精读:a trip that you plan to go。

  关于旅游,可以说是雅思考试中出现频率比较高的话题了,在口语板块也是如此,那么如何在这一话题之下展开口语,接下来就跟小编一起来看看雅思口语话题精读:a trip that you plan to go。

雅思口语话题精读:a trip that you plan to go


  a trip that you plan to go soon/in the near future(即将进行的旅行).

  You should say:

  - Where do you want to go

  - Who would you like to go with

  - What would you do there

  - And explain why you would like to go there



  1. 时态

  将来时和虚拟语态是学生较容易忽略和用错的部分。常用will 和 be going to代替所有未发生的事情。正确使用虚拟语气,是这片话题的关键。出了基础的使用情态动词,其他表示不肯定的,假设的词组如:if possible; I suppose等也都要学会灵活使用。

  2. 较后一个问题


  3. 基础信息回答



  Well, I would like to describe a place that I want to go in the future, that will be the Bumbum island in Malaysia. This place, I think you may not very familiar with, it’s not like world famous, But you know what, it is a must-goattraction in Malaysia.

  One amazing thing about the Bumbum island is that some people who went there before said the view there is just out of this world. So, hm...if possible, I would like to go there with my family maybe next year,by taking the plane of course, because it’s not that pricey for the ticket to go there.I,m thinking maybe during one of the holidays like the National Day Holiday, because everyone in China gets 7 days off. So I could take the advantage of that period of time

  Talking about what I would do there, you know, there’s one thing Iwould definitely do, which is taking the helicopter, and going on a panoramatour of the island. I know this because one of my friends who has been therebefore and posted like tons of photos on social media. When I saw those photos,the awesomeness really took my breath away. You know even saw those photos I got goose bumps all over me. The water, the sky, the bush and the cottage,everything is just spectacularly beautiful, and indescribably amazing.

  So, I would like to go there in the near future and I believe I would have an amazing time. Thank you, that’s all I wanna talk about today.


  自然风景区:natural landscape, natural spot, natural scenery, tourist attraction, vocational spot…;历史古迹:historical relics, historical site, historical interest…;大都市:metropolis, modern city…

  下面就来描述一下这三种地方的详细说法:picturesque views风景如画,landscape of lakes and hills湖光山色,enclosed/surrounded by lakes on one side and waters on the other依山傍水,traditional/ancient architecture历史建筑物,historical architectural complex 历史建筑群,historical and cultural heritage 历史文化遗产, rows of towering skyscraper成排高的摩天大楼,high-rise building高耸大楼,leisure facility休闲设施

  package travel较常规的表达团游,solo travel独自旅游,DIY travel 自助游。这三种旅游方式的说法要学会掌握。


  - 去过的难忘的地方;旅行

  - 记忆深刻的,有意思的地方

  - 难忘的经历


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