What do you like about your current job?
Well, actually there are many things that I like about what I do now, but the one thing I love the most is the flexible hours. It’s not a nine-to-five job; I can choose when to begin working on a project and when to take a break, as long as I can deliver high-quality work. This kind of flexibility is something I’d always wanted in a job. I’m very grateful that I’m doing exactly that now.
flexibility hours 灵活的工作时间
nine-to-five job 朝九晚五的工作
work on sth 做…工作、忙于…
take a break 休息
as long as 只要
deliver 交付、兑现
high-quality work 高质量的工作
want sth in a job 希望工作中有…
grateful 感激的
1. She has a way with people. 她很擅长和人打交道。
have a way with … 善于应付、擅长处理…
2. The economy is on the up and up. 经济蒸蒸日上。
on the up and up 日益兴旺、越来越好
3. I’m in a pickle. 我有麻烦了。
in a pickle 处于困境
4. I’m trying to come to terms with the breakup. 我在努力接受分手的事实。
come to terms with sth 接受(不愉快的食物)
5. Cramming stifles creativity. 死记硬背扼杀创造力。
cram v 死记硬背
stifle sth 扼杀…、阻止…