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[摘要] 2019年2月的雅思考试已经结束了,下面就是3月份新一轮的雅思考试,今天朗阁小编就为大家整理了3月份的雅思考题预测。

  Part 1

  1. Do you like painting?

  Sample Answer:

  I liked painting when I was a kid and made some good water color paintings of my home and school. But after becoming a high school student, I barely touch the brushes, because I find that the preparation and clean-up work is boring, also I’ve got some new hobbies like reading books.

  2. Have you been painted by other people?

  Sample Answer:

  I have never been painted by other people because I feel so uneasy sitting still for about half an hour or even longer to do the modeling, but I really like watching artists doing portraits for other people, because their painting skills are truly amazing.

  3. What kind of pictures do you like having in your home?

  Sample Answer:

  I guess I would put some abstract painting in my home. We have seen a lot of realistic paintings in the public places that it seems a little conservative when you have this kind of painting at home. And abstract paintings give people endless imagination, which feels more modern.

  4. Do you like sharing?

  Sample Answer:

  Of course. I really enjoy sharing with others. In my daily life, I tend to share some interesting experiences or news with my family members through WeChat or video phone calls. Also if I have something good, I am inclined to share them with my friends. In return, my friends will also share similar things with me.

  5. Is there anything you don’t want to share with others? Why?

  Sample Answer:

  Yes. I think that must be personal privacy. Although I am really willing to share nearly everything with others, telling other people something private is unacceptable for me. For example, I don’t want to share others with my family privacy. There is a famous Chinese saying that every family has a skeleton in its closet. Perhaps that’s the reason why I am unwilling to do that.

  6. Do you ever have a nap during a day?

  Sample Answer:

  Yes. It depends on how busy I am. If I am occupied with my study, I think I will not take a nap during the day. I must focus on my learning in order to save much more time from my schedule. However, if I am really available, I tend to have a nap to take a short break during the day. So having a nap or not depends on my timetable.

  7. Do you think sleep is important?

  Sample Answer:

  Of course. It plays a really vital role in our daily lives. Everybody needs to sleep. Otherwise, we may suffer from some physical illnesses. No matter how energetic we are, without sleep we are more likely to have lower working or learning efficiency. As a result, it tends to influence our lives eventually. So we’d better have enough sleep every day, not only for our health but also for our work or study.

  8. Do you think reading before you sleep could be helpful?

  Sample Answer:

  I don’t think so. Perhaps for people who dislike reading, they may feel sleepy if they read something before going to bed. But for those reading lovers like me, reading some books before sleep tends to let me be immersed in it. Finally, I may stay up late reading. So I don’t think it’s really helpful for me to sleep.

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