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[摘要] 本文为大家带来的是朗阁雅思听力考题预测,大家一起来看看吧。


Section 3


21-23 Completion:

21. book title: Professional Learning

22. skill for team research

23. collaborative culture

24-30 Table completion:

24. Behavior of pupils

25. Keep writing diary

26. Video recording

27. In class simulation

28. The evaluation of test results evaluation

29. The help of Internet to identify respondents

30. Choose own respondents for interview


Section 3


21-24 Multiple choice:

21. Previous hospital put the art and music focused on A. children

22. What was the response from the staff when the arts were used as medical tool? B. Firstly the staff disliked it

23. Why not let patients themselves turn on the music? A. impractical

24. What is the woman’s attitude of the new hospital? C. Surprised it is less convenient for staff

25-30 Matching(影响以及病人的特征):

A. patients spend less time in the hospital

B. patients who are more cooperative

C. art and music have little impact on the patients

D. patients who concern more on details

E. patients whose blood pressure and heart beat rate are average

F. patients who ask for less medication

G. visual arts have more impact on the patients

25. postnatal clinic -- B

26. trauma and dissociation -- C

27. day surgery clinic -- E

28. children’s clinic -- A

29. emergency -- F

30. gynecology clinic -- G

Section 3


21-23 Multiple choice:

21. The proposal will C. be returned with feedback

22. The proposal will mostly emphasize on B. method

23. The proposal's word limit A. strictly obey rules

24-30 Completion:

24. conduct interview

25. use correct font

26. permit to change the project

27. send a note in advance

28. you have to give 2 copies

29. Please submit assignment before the deadline of 11th May

30. After hypothesis, you should pay attention to the procedure


Section 3


21-25 Completion:

21. watch time

22. the state of sea: calm and choppy

23. and state of weather

24. visibility: 100 meters

25. then talked details: the presence of fishing boats

26-27 Multiple Choice:

26. appearance and behaviour

27. group size

28-30 Matching:

28. C Northern Right Whale: without fins

29. B Sperm Whale: with wavy fins on the back

30. A Mink Whale: with humpback fins which are wavy


Section 3

讲关于考古学module course

21-30 Completion:

21. 考古的课可以与其他的课一起上,除了Classical History

22. *学期有3compulsory course

23. 课程1的名字:Object Matters

24. classification

25. Assessment by course work

26. 课程2的名称:Towns and Cities

27. Oral

28. 研究的是:Origins and development of

29. 课程3assessment: 50% by lab work, 50% by seminars

30. 有一个field triplocation需要等通知

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入门阶段课程通过大量习题演练讲解,深度强化学员考试技巧运用能力,尤为在解答雅思较难题型上。词汇课从听说读写四项积累学员雅思词汇,为学习理想分数 ...

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