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[摘要] 本文为大家带来的是朗阁雅思听力考题预测,大家一起来看看吧。


Section 2


11-20 Completion:

11. Expenses of traveling: £6.50 for children£9.5 for adults

12. Discount can be received of it outnumbers: 8 people

13. Transport: bus runs up and down of the valley

14. Cave first been discovered in 1813

15. Not open to tourists as the railway station had been built until 1830

16. Price includes: climb up to view the lookout point

17. qualification, instructors and remove of plants to protect the rock surface

18. The shop sells fruit cake and sells apple juice as well

19. Kitchen area in the cave is worth visiting

20. Contact number: 09166956432


Section 2


11-17 Completion:

11. The starting point: Castle

12. Path length: 7 miles

13. Champion of this year: the prize is sport equipment

14. registration place: town hall

15. the destination is: station

16. people under 16 can’t take part in the competition

17. do not forget to bring a jacket

18-20 Multiple choices:

Three recommendations before running competition 选:B, F, G

A. be careful of dogs

B. compete with a friend

C. run under all kinds of weather

D. do warm exercise before running

E. competing in group

F. time yourself

G. exercise all kinds path and road


Section 2


11-20 Completion:

11. What is it called in international program: Open Gallery

12. What is the theme of this new competition: on the street

13. in theatre foyer

14. nationality: Australian

15. interesting thing: collecting old maps

16. name: Denier, Kesteven

17. present job: running a picture library

18. interesting thing: wildlife photograph

19. present job: lecturer from college of design

20. interesting thing: sports photograph


Section 2

11-14 Multiple choice:

11. What did the message say about the shuttle bus? B. It takes longer time.

12. What does the message say about the bus? C. no suitable bus stop

13. How to go to the hotel after arrival? B. Get off at the third stop by taking subway

14. What did T tell Jane about the ticket? C. She can use the ticket for both leave and return.

15-20 Map街道和建筑物在地图上匹配:

15. Lincoln Avenue -- B

16. Hall -- C

17. Taxi pick-up point -- E(大门对面)

18. Bus stop -- I(较右边bus stop

19. Café -- D(宾馆旁边)

20. Restaurant -- Grestaurant在宾馆对面街中间)


Section 2

City Project Orientation

11-15 Multiple choice:

11. According to Davina, a typical mentor is someone who: A. has lived long in this city

12. Davina says that a mentor could be able to: B. suggest best places to shop

13. What other thing does this city offer: A. leaflets in foreign language

14. What could people do, if they continue to feel lonely: C. take advantage of the informal Thursday evening

15. What advice does Davina offer about fitting into a new life: C. accept that thing take time to settle down

16-20 Map:

16. Open-air market -- E

17. Sport center -- D

18. Library -- C

19. Council house -- A

20. Post office -- G

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