今天小编即将要分享给大家的是“雅思口语Part1: 社交网络Social network”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!
has had quite a big impact on mine对我的生活的影响的确很大
Hmm, well, I suppose it has had quite a big impact on mine.嗯,我想它对我的生活的影响的确很大。
get wound up 让我生气
Well, I do get wound up about people constantly checking their devices. Yesterday, I was in a café and two girls came in.一个人总是看手机的确会让我生气。昨天我在一个咖啡厅,然后进来了两个女孩。
tap away at one's device 用手机打字和其他人聊天
They sat down and started chatting away – but not to each other – they were tapping away at their devices.她们坐下之后就开始聊天。但是不是互相聊天,而是用手机打字和其他人聊天。
face-to-face conversation 面对面的对话
And there was no face-to-face conversation at all!面对面的两个人根本就没有对话!
the neck muscles are tipped over to look down 颈部肌肉几乎专门为了向下看而弯曲
Physiologically we're changing, that almost the neck muscles are tipped over to look down. We're getting a new kind of human being.And I think –我们的生理正在发生着变化,颈部肌肉几乎专门为了向下看而弯曲了。现在出现了一种新兴人类。
今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语Part1: 社交网络Social network”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注朗阁网校!