Describe a famous people in history you would like to meet
You should say:
1、Who this person is
2、How you knew this person
3、What this person did in history
4、And explain why you want to meet
If you see through Chinese history, you would likely to found out there were few well-known females. And they are different with famous western females, they were the easy targets to be censured. Wu Zetian was one of the few.
The first time I knew her was from the history book, it covered her whole lifeline in a flat way, and it was after this, I became fascinated about her, so I had decided to dig more. Later I came across a history book, which was written by a famous historian. In the book I learned that Wu Zetian was a big fan of culture and art. Particular on protecting the architectures, such as Shaolin Temple and The Longmen Grottoes. Also, she believed it was the agriculture and handicraft industry that can made a country stronger, and those two are which made China prosperous during Tang dynasty. She did all the emperors’ job but still remembered by the name of evil empress.
In ancient China, women were subordinated to men, let along women like Wu Zetian, who was a real headache to most of the men yet so outstandingly ruled a country during Tang dynasty. So there are still bad rumors according to her up to now. I guess she was certainly under a great deal of pressures, if I have the chance to meet her in person, it is quite possible I would love to ask her how to deal with my daily pressures also how she had done any of these without a help from her husband.