mooch/muːtʃ/ around 闲荡,闲逛(to move around slowly without any purpose and doing very little)
Urgh! Mooching around a shopping mall from one shop to another, spending money - it's my idea of hell!呃!逛商场,从一个商店逛到另一个商店,花钱——是我对地狱的印象!
make purchases we regret 后悔买了东西
Well that can be a problem – it's sometimes too easy, especially when we are tired – and we sometimes make purchases we regret.好吧,那会是个问题——它有时候太容易了,特别是当我们疲惫的时候——而且我们有时会后悔买了东西。
vampire shopping 深夜购物
But let's talk more now about vampire shopping – this term refers to shopping late at night - traditionally a time when vampires appear.但是现在让我们更多地来谈谈深夜购物——这个词指的是深夜购物——传统上来说是吸血鬼出现的时候。
open up your laptop and start shopping 打开你的笔记本电脑开始购物
If you're an insomniac – someone who can't sleep easily – it's tempting to open up your laptop and start shopping.如果你是失眠症患者——一个很难入睡的人——那么打开你的笔记本电脑开始购物是很有诱惑力的。
get sucked in and do some shopping 很容易被吸引进去购物
Online shops are open 24 hours a day, so it's easy to get sucked in and do some shopping!网店一天24小时营业,所以很容易被吸引进去购物!
shopping temptation 购物诱惑
And this shopping temptation can be particularly problematic for those with mental health issues.而且这种购物诱惑对那些有心理健康问题的人来说尤其成问题。
control our impulse to spend 控制冲动消费
Our ability to control our impulse to spend and to resist things like advertising is reduced when we're sleep deprived.让我们听听她说了什么……当我们睡眠不足时,我们控制冲动消费和抵制广告等事物的能力就会减弱。
find it harder to resist the urge to shop 发现更难抑制购物的冲动
when we're sleep deprived – that means not having enough sleep – we find it harder to resist the urge to shop.当我们睡眠不足时——那是说没有足够的睡眠——我们会发现更难抑制购物的冲动。
be ashamed of one's purchase 为自己的*感到羞愧
Helen Undy says that sometimes they were ashamed of their purchase.