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[摘要] 托福写作满分范文点评:四季分明还是气候多变,在托福写作备考中,考生除了基础的词汇和短语备考以外,考生也可以通过多看一些满分范文来进步自己的写作能力。




  Living in places that have the same weather all year long, or in areas where the weather changes several times a year?

  Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


  随便选择哪一个都无所谓,之后罗列三个好处。比如,作为出生在北方的人,到了一年四季天气差不多的南方才发现,原来没有四季变化有很大的经济意义:一年两套衣服足矣,不像在北方,四季分明,总是花很多钱去买换季的衣服(change dress proper for the season)。再比如,四季分明,就多了很多自然景观。有很多南方人一辈子都没有亲眼见到(witness; with one's own eyes) 过雪。


  Because China is such a vast country, the weather and climate changes dramatically from one part of the country to another. Some parts have a mild, warm temperature all year long, whereas other regions of the country have weather patterns that shift dramatically from hot to cold over the year. Given the choice to live in one type of climate or the other, I would choose to live in a region where the weather is constantly changing throughout the year. The reasons for this are varied. First, I enjoy the different seasons. Second, I take pleasure in many different sports, some of which require warm weather, and others require the cold. Finally, I enjoy living in a region with constantly changing weather because I think that change is good for one's health. As mentioned above, one aspect I love about living in a region with changing climates is the shift in seasons. I really enjoy walking through a city and being able to see the trees turn from bright green in the summer, to brown in the fall, to bare in the winter, and then come back to life again in the spring. I find the process of nature very beautiful, and appreciate living in a city where I can observe these changes. In addition to enjoying the seasons, I also get pleasure from playing a wide variety of sports. Some of these sports require summer weather, like swimming, but others require winter weather, like skiing or ice-skating. By living in a region with extreme changes in seasons, I am able to enjoy all of my favorite activities. Finally, I enjoy living in an area with changing temperatures because I believe that the extreme temperatures are good for one's health. By allowing one's body to adjust to the extremes, one builds their immune system and is healthier overall. Overall, I find that living in a changing environment is more interesting than living in one where the climate is always constant. I find that if I am sick of the cold in the winter, I can always take a short plane ride to somewhere that is warmer.


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  • 价格: 1980.00

90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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