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[摘要] 以下内容为2019年2月新托福口语考题预测,希望能给大家的考试带来帮助。




Question 1

Which do you think is a more efficient way for learning, to study alone from books, to think and discuss in a group or to do researches and assignments?

Question 2

Some people prefer to get advice from their parents or grandparents. Others prefer to get advice from their peers. Which do you prefer and why?

Question 3

Reading part

Listening part


The student wrote a letter to the university newspaper to suggest that the evaluation result of professors should be exposed to the university since:

1. professors will be motivated to work harder after seeing this;

2. students can have reference when deciding on courses.


The woman disagrees with the letter.

1. Professors won’t be happy to be justified so that they might not be cooperative in teaching.

2. Evaluations often are made immediately after class when students really want to leave, so students may not be able to provide any helpful advices.


Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part



People, regardless of age, like to have as much freedom as possible. Once their behaviors are restricted, they will do something to resist to the restrictions or decisions.


1. 小孩一直在一个playground玩,如果有一天爸妈不允许他去了,他会觉得unfair, 就会偷偷去玩,而且玩得时间更长;

2. 一种肥皂因为成分污染环境,政府禁止*,但是人们觉得自由*商品的权利被剥夺,反而会买得更多。


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5


There is a time conflict in the man’s schedule of his dad’s 50-year-old birthday party and his project with a group.


The woman suggests two possible solutions.

Solution 1: He can have most of the work done before the weekend and explain to his teammates, then go to the birthday party.

Solution 2: He can participate in the party but leave earlier. But his father may feel disappointed.


Question: 生遇到什么困难,两种解决方案中,你认为哪种好?

Question 6



1. hibernate in the same time of the year before the weather gets cold and the food becomes scarce. E.g. Arctic squirrels hibernate in the same time every year. They eat enormous food at the earlier summer and hibernate when the weather is cold and food is scarce in the late summer.

2. hibernate until food is not available and weather gets cold. E.g. pocket mouse hibernates according to the weather and the food availability.

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90段课程由具有海外教学背景的朗阁在线托福讲师悉心授课,打破托福学习疑点、难点;结合TPO题,在增强词汇量和塑造语法结构的同时增强整体语言能力 ...

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