2018 src="/data/file/upload/15390541158276.jpg" style="width: 533px;">
Reading Passage 1
Title Australia Airborne Dentist
Question types
Sentence Completion 6 题
文章内容回顾 关于澳洲的牙医职业题目及答案回顾
1. All the dentists in RFDS are volunteers
2. They go to rural areas once a month
3. RFDS can treat wild variety of diseases
4. They will bring nurses with them
5. 会提供牙具和教育给村民
6. 假牙大小不适合是一个问题
7. 城里人的牙齿好是因为水
8-13 Sentence Completion
8. Jack said he had scores concerning the composition of the song
9. The Mario changed the song because they were fond of dancing
10. They also added lyrics to the song
11. Fields encountered the song on a tour and recorded it
12. The song became less popular after radio was invented
13. A court rejected Jack and the descendants of the song
TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN:大方向(定位词)+小范围(考点词)Sentence Completion:需要注意字数限制和空格前的动词或形容词
剑 9 Test 4 Passage1
Reading Passage 2
Title Work Related Stress
Question types
Matching Features 5 题
Multiple Choice (单选) 3 题
Summary Completion 6 题
14-18 Matching Features
A Jan Elsnera
B Vanessa Stoykov
C Gal Zauberman
D Neil Plumridge
14. Work stress usually happens in the high level of a business. 选 A
15. More people’s ideas involved would be beneficial for stress relief. 选 D
16. Temporary holiday sometimes doesn’t mean less work. 选 B
17. Stress leads to a wrong direction when trying to satisfy customers. 选 D
18. It is not correct that stress in the future will be eased. 选 C
19-21 Multiple Choice (单选)
19 Which of the following workplace stress is NOT mentionedaccording to Plumridge in the following options?
选 B. Unable to concentrate on work
20 Which of the following solution is NOT mentioned in helping reduce the work pressure according to Plumridge?
选 D. Do sports and massage
21 What is point of view of Jan Elsnera towards work stress?
选 A. Medical test can only reveal part of the data needed to cope
with stress
22-27 Summary Completion
Statistics from National worker’s compensation indicate stress plays the most important role in 22.workplace injury which cause the time losses. Staffs take about 23.16.6 weeks for absence from work caused by stress. Not just time is our main concern but great expenses generated consequently. An official insurer wrote sometime that about 24.7% of all claims were mental issues whereas nearly 27% costs in all claims, Sports Such as 25.golf as well as 26.a massage could be a treatment to release stress;However, specialists recommended another practical way out,analyse 27.workloads once again.
文章内容回顾 关于工作中涉及到的压力进行讨论,并提出了一些解决方法。
Matching Features 注意不同人物在文中的出现次数,优先完成只出现一次的人名,最后完成出现最多的人名。
剑 10 Test 4 Passage 2
Reading Passage 3
Title Global Lingua Franca