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[摘要] 本文为大家带来的是朗阁雅思听力考题预测,大家一起来看看吧。

Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. 夜班工人的数量 huge increase in number

32. 夜班工人的internal clock紊乱

33. 生物钟可以让人分清dark and light

34. unsocial hours

35. 缺少睡眠对heart/stomach不好

36. 会导致心理depression

37. 影响mental abilities, 甚至影响工作的performance

38. 第三个例子social matter

39. family life会受影响

40. peer group/ friends也会受影响


Section 4


31-40 Completion:


31. the species can be found in shallow water.

32. they are most likely to be found resting in beds of seagrass or coral reefs

Description of the body:

33. a thin skin covering a series of bony plates in rings

34. They have an armor-like body composed of bony plates, approximately fifty.

35. The seahorses head part looks like a crown, bony crest called a coronet located on the backside of their head at the edge of the skull


36. seahorses feed mainly on brine shrimp on minute crustaceans

37. male caring for the eggs and giving birth, the males have a brood organ into which the female places her eggs

38. Their colors change due to diet, level of anxiety or stress, and/or mood, altercations in their environment


39. been endangered by over fishing - and habitat destruction.

40. Disease:

There are many parasites and infections known to affect the seahorse


Section 4


31-40 Completion

31. a broken egg 

32. fish hooks are made of fish bones

33. road is built

34. You need to get a permit immigration travel.

35. Maori people’s travelling habit.

36. building( extremely white) xxx south island xxx white

37. early settlers ate huge birds

38. rare glass objects can be found in European Middens.

39. The lakes are beside a mountain.

40. Found where soldiers stayed.


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. animals use odor to feel each other

32. carbon dioxide can also be used to find food

33. female butterflies

34. feet to feel the enemy

35. the stomach of animal sometimes will emit alarm pheromone, to alarm the enemy

36. the queen keeps control of the territory

37. snake can use the heat to feel the rat

38. height

39. snakes observe the body shape of the mouse

40. snakes can also identify the distance of the mouse


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. cellulose: get from cotton in strong acid

32. plastic is commonly found on: milk

33. the first artificial fabric is used to produce artificial silk

34. 1907, Bakelite the first plastic which was made in a laboratory/ lab

35. the inventor’s occupant: he was a chemist

36. Bakelite is not like other plastic because it will get hard when melt in heat

37. it decomposes by light

38. it will produce gases when

39. one kind of chandeliers were made up of the recycled pens

40. a Japanese car: made by semi-synthesized materials that was found in wood

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