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[摘要] 本文为大家带来的是朗阁雅思听力考题预测,大家一起来看看吧。

Section 3


21-25 Multiple choice:

21. Why does the girl continue her current subject?  选:A. score for credits

22. Why did the girl consult her family members to discuss the decision?  选:C. funding her tuition

23. The man’s attitude towards sport course (which is good for girls)  选:B. better job

24. Which factors does she need to concern more when changing a subject?  选:A. extra pay

25. What is her point of her current subject?  选:A. little practical

26-30 Matching:

26. Ask for information about the new course: consult the tutor

27. Notice: the finance office

28. Send email to: welfare director

29. Contact administration office to make a plan change

30. Please go and contact the: residence hall


Section 3


21-22 Multiple Choice:

21. Previous hospital put the art and music focused on  选:A. children

22. What was the response from the staff when the arts were used as medical tool?  选:B. Firstly the staff disliked it

23. Why not let patients themselves turn on the music?  选:A. impractical

24. What is the woman’s attitude of the new hospital?  选:C. Surprised it is less convenient for staff

25-30 Matching:

25. postnatal clinic  选:B. patients who are more cooperative

26. trauma and dissociation  选:C. art and music have little impact on the patients

27. day surgery clinic  选:E. patients whose blood pressure and heart beat rate are average

28. children’s clinic  选:A. patients spend less time in the hospital

29. emergency  选:F. patients who ask for less medication

30. gynecology clinic  选:G. visual arts have more impact on the patients


Section 3


21-24 Multiple choice:

21. 关于年龄段的问题,选C. a range of ages 

22. the advantage of team building,选C. supportive learning environment 

23. A. too much practical work 

24. 关于某个课程的评论,选A. it is an essential training

25-30 Matching:

25. time management

26. review notes regularly

27. library: help from staff

28. forum: answers for particular nursing problems

29. online

30. freshman的建议:选set realistic targets


Section 3

讲关于考古学module course

21-30 Completion:

21. 考古的课可以与其他的课一起上,除了Classical History

22. *学期有3compulsory course

23. 课程1的名字:Object Matters(语速较快)

24. classification

25. Assessment by course work

26. 课程2的名称:Towns and Cities

27. Oral

28. 研究的是:Origins and development of

29. 课程3assessment: 50% by lab work, 50% by seminars

30. 有一个field triplocation需要等通知


Section 3


21-26 Multiple choice:

21. 完成报告的好处?  选:B. help to identify subject goal next semester

22. *版报告的建议?  选:revise some part

23. How to choose course site?  选:C. randomly picked

24. 实验目的?  选:C. soil ingredient

25. 为什么使用别人的data  选:A. make data more reliable

26. more simple method  选:A. use elevator

27-30 Matching:

27. equipment:  too complicated

28. data collecting sheet:  not well organized

29. reference:  need a wider range

30. group talk with stranger:  repeat it

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入门阶段课程通过大量习题演练讲解,深度强化学员考试技巧运用能力,尤为在解答雅思较难题型上。词汇课从听说读写四项积累学员雅思词汇,为学习理想分数 ...

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