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[摘要] 雅思大作文模板:在家办公学习的利弊。要想作文写的比较好,对于模板的学习是非常有必要的。尝试着记忆一些好的句子句型,并加以修改。感兴趣的小伙伴快来看一看吧。



  I personally believe it is not necessarily bliss for people to study and work wherever they wish rather than in schools or companies.
  It is understandable why some people are overwhelmed by the possibility that they can free themselves from commuting every day, sustaining themselves simply by clicking the mouse or touching the screen. They are exhilarated by the hallucination that they were longer to toil and could fully savor the comfortable life brought by technology. Nonetheless, the reality shows a different picture and such a lifestyle could also bring thorny problems.
  Firstly, students and employees may feel physically unbound to study or work, yet the almighty technology could actually increase their work pressure and make them become tethered around tasks without much rest. This is typically ture for office workers. In the past, many of them has a fixed schedule each day, which was usually terminated when they clock out. With technologies such as email and mobile phone, however, managers are endowed with the ability to find employees whenever they like: consequently, people will gradually realize that they can hardly distinguish their life from work. Some employees, for instance, are called to attend video meetings even when they are on vocation.
  Furthermore, the equality of people’s study and work under such circumstances should be questioned. For instance, acquiring information and knowledge never equals receiving education. In this age when young people are constantly bombarded by myriad sources of knowledge like on-line courses and electronic gadgets containing lessons by top teachers, instructing students how to learn and providing a learning environment where they could interact and collaborate with others are increasingly indispensable. Without being supervised properly, few teenagers could be self-disciplined enough to concentrate on study. For workers, lack of face to face communication is quite likely to undermine their creativity. There is mounting evidence that most brilliant ideas spring up when people pf similar fields are placed together.
  Finally, given that people are not urged to travel between home and company or school, most of them will reduce the chance of doing “voluntary exercise”--unconscious sport like jogging to bus station or riding bicycle, which will gradually raise their likelihood of suffering from health problems like obesity and high blood pressure.
  In conclusion, some people may celebrate the comfort and efficiency brought by advanced technology, yet I tend to subscribe to the view that it bring more challenges including balance between work and life, degrade quality of study and work as well as deteriorating health. Overall, I believe it is a negative development.


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